Thursday, 7 February 2013

Way overdue (",)

Since my last blog entry, spring has changed into the most glorious summer and my little bird has spread his wings and learnt to fly.
This of course has left me in a bit of a tizz.  Can one's identity and purpose be locked up in that one single role in life?
Being a Mom has been the most satisfying journey, and I have had plenty of photographs to "scrap" documenting every step of my son's adventure through school and life. But today, sitting here reflecting on my life, I realise that I need to step back out into the world and grab every opportunity I can, to create new memories of my own.
The last 10 months flew past and finally as he is about to start his studies at University, I have slowly but surely gathered bits and pieces of myself and am ready to start my own new journey.

I read something the other day that has stuck in the back of my mind, and I do believe applies to me today, it read "Every story has to start somewhere" and I believe my new story starts here.

I am 46 years "young" act and feel like a twenty something year old and have far too much to offer than sitting back and watching the world go by.  I have so much that I still want to do, explore, read, make, experience and it starts now today!

I am venturing back into the world, searching for that perfect contract or career option that would lead me to meeting new people, challenging my creative intellect, pondering over budgets and cost proposals, but most of all, the satisfaction one feels upon the successful completion of tasks and meeting happy new people.

Ultimately, make new memories, capture new moments, watch new sunrises and spread my wings and soar as high as I can fly!

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